Monday, November 5, 2007


WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? DO YOU HONESTLY THINK THAT YOU DID A GOOD THING?? DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DO THAT TO YOUR OWN SON!!!! WHAT IN THE WORLD MADE YOU THINK YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT TO KICK HIM OUT INSTEAD OF HELP HIM???? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??? Why don't you love your own son? How can you not love your own son? Do you honestly think that what you did is okay? Now what happens to everybody else who's still at home? What fear have you placed in them? "I better get good grades or they'll kick me out" "I can't use the computer because if something goes wrong, I'll get kicked out" "No matter what I do, if I make a mistake, I'll get kicked out".

Please for the life of you, and the love of your family, learn from your mistake. Don't do this. It's not right. It is not right.